Snippet #45 Mum-Talk

Last week, while taking a stroll across the park, I stumbled upon a mother of three. This sensibly dressed lady being a complete stranger, I warned myself not to discuss anything personal but safely stick around exchanging names and other formal stuff. However, fate had other plans. Four birthing stories, three confessions, two cups of... Continue Reading →

“This Changes Everything” – #GuestPost by Dr.Johnnie K. Seago

As Ted and I raced to the hospital early that Wednesday morning, we looked forward to coming home in a few days with a bundle of joy and working that bundle into our color-coded synchronized schedules. The lightning bolt came out of the blue. I was not expecting my life to change dramatically. My nanny was set up, my... Continue Reading →

STAR RENDEZVOUS With Navya Abraham

Hola, fellas. I am delighted to introduce the guest of today's STAR RENDEZVOUS - Navya Abraham. She is an adorable mom blogger who shares her everyday experience with baby A in the form of snaps and stories in Instagram (@alitlebitofme). When she is not mommying around her little girl, you will find her organizing fairy-tale... Continue Reading →

Feasible Self-Care Ideas For Stay-at-home Moms

Hi fellas, As promised before, I am going to share with you all, the self-care strategy that helped me get over the gruesome parental blues that had been haunting me last week. My rejuvenation plan consists of easy-to-implement, inexpensive ideas that any stay-at-home mom can incorporate into their routine right away. Check it out.. Keep... Continue Reading →

Snippets From The Absorbent Mind – On Infancy and Environment

According to Maria Montessori, the first six years of life is when the child develops his own mental flesh, using which he explores, judges, embraces and fights the world for the rest of his life. And it all gets kickstarted the moment they are born into this world. Right from infancy! ◎ The absorbent mind... Continue Reading →

STAR RENDEZVOUS With Yummy Tummy Aarthi

Friends, Romans and Countrymen, I'm pleased, honored and super-excited to host the first episode of Star Rendezvous featuring Mrs.Aarthi Satheesh, who is popularly known to the cyberspace as Yummy Tummy Aarthi. Aarthi, despite being a world-class food blogger with more than a million followers swarming around her foolproof recipes, is gracefully simple and down-to-earth in... Continue Reading →

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