Snippet #25 Incase You Wonder What’s Happening

Hello y’all, how have you been? I had to go on an (yet another) unannounced hiatus for the past few days because of Diwali celebration at home. We had my SIL and family with us this time. Having three kids of interestingly different age groups under the same roof did require a tad too much of commitment from us, the four adults. But, there isn’t an alternative to accrue happiness as a parent, other than working hard to pave way for it. Long story short, this year’s Diwali illuminated the house and its inmates with lights of glory, chatter, laughter and a lot of peace. Touchwood.

The festive vibe has ratcheted down today. I didn’t realise it until evening as I had my time-coupled-energy absorbed in looking after baby D and not to explicitly mention the overloaded laundry bag that I wish had a mind on its own to stuff its disorganized panoply of clothes into the washing machine.

4:00 PM : Baby D has dozed off, the day’s quietude is now echoing hard on my ears, bleeding their innards with the weapon of silence.

The toys that attracted attention yesterday are abandoned and dumped into the boring blue basket. The kitchen that smelled great with ghee-dolloped food (thanks a ton Dr.A for your foolproof recipes) yesterday has in it now, a dabba full of dosa batter that isn’t even much visually appealing to eyes.

6:00 PM : Two hours have passed by. Baby D is up, with looks that give me an impression that he’s alrighty with the annoying silence of Diwali aftermath. It’s high time for me to attune as well, what good do you think clinging on to past will do, other than, may be, inspire a melancholic snippet like this? Huh?

PS: It’s surprising how a wavering mind can settle on its own when the thoughts are committed to a paper (or in my case, a cursor blinking white screen). The mood fluctuations have diminished in seconds and normalcy doesn’t seem so bad to me right now.

Do you find writing therapeutic too? Tell me about it 🙂

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